
TOP 3 lucky lottery winners stories

Since the inception of the lottery in ancient China, it has been a great tool for social and economic change. This game has added more value to humanity than you can ever think of both on societal and individual levels. On societal levels, the lottery has helped many countries and civilizations build social infrastructures and provide regular income to the government. Many amenities in ancient China, The Netherlands, The Italian States, England, The former US Colonies, and many other places came from the proceeds of the lottery. Its usefulness to a country can’t be overemphasized. Little wonder more countries are opening their doors to lottery haven seen the goodies that come with it.

On individual levels, lotteries have been a life-changer. It has taken people from poor financial states to a life of financial freedom and independence. Many countries are affected by economic downturn while some have theirs skewed to favor just a select few and as such, many citizens find it hard to get jobs, others are underemployed and underpaid. These and many other reasons have made it hard for many to achieve their life goals. With the help of lotteries, many people have been able to purchase their dream homes, further their education, set-up a business or support an existing one, foot medical bills, amongst others.

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There have been lots of lottery winners in the past. They all confess that the lottery offered them the opportunity to better their lives which they couldn’t have gotten anywhere else. Most of these winners had no idea how to achieve their set goals prior to winning but luckily for them, they have gone on to greater heights in life all thanks to the lottery. We would be looking at the 3 most shocking lottery winning that instantly transformed the lives of the winners but first let’s talk about why people play the lottery.


There are many reasons why people play the lottery and these reasons differ from person to person. For many, the lottery presents a door of escape from poverty. These players play the games with the expectation that they will hit the jackpot and have a transformed life. The lottery has not disappointed in this aspect, many winners were from a poor background but are now super-millionaires after winning.

A good number of players play the lottery because they have a particular objective they want to achieve. It’s now ordinary hearing players say they would build a house, buy a car, or travel abroad as soon as they win the lottery. This means they have had these plans for a long time but are looking for an opportunity to actualize it. This opportunity is what the lottery provides.

Others take the lottery as a secondary source of income. It’s important for one to have more than one income stream especially in this period where the country is experiencing some economic instability. This other income stream is helpful, especially when unplanned or unforeseen circumstances arise.

Whatever the reasons people play the lottery for, the game has been more than in actualizing those aims hence the increase in the number of players.


The lottery is a game of chance no doubt but it requires many other things. In-depth knowledge of technicalities, strategy, and luck are the major things you would need for you to win the lottery. Many players didn’t have all these but luck at their side and ended up winning big. This isn’t to say others are less important but sometimes, many winners know next to nothing about the lottery but yet make the winners chart. Let’s look at the top 3 fascinating stories.

1. Neal Wanless won $88,500,000 in 2009

A poor rancher named Neal Wanless from South Carolina in the US experienced a turn around when he won $88.5 million after taxes playing the Powerball lottery. Neal was passing through financial difficulties at the time and had to sell scrap metals to make ends meet.

On this faithful day, he chose his lucky numbers from his family members’ birth date and purchased the tickets for $5. When the draw was made, all numbers selected by Neal made it thereby making him the winner of the jackpot.

Neal said he would continue his ranching but will help other people due to what he’s been through.

2. Frank Sheehan won the $25,000-A-Year in 2019

Frank Sheehan is from Massachusetts in the US. He played a lottery with $2 at a store and won the jackpot when all 5 numbers he chose made the draw on May 6th, 2019. Frank Sheehan said he still finds it hard to believe because he played although with the expectation to win, but not to win the jackpot.

He opted for the first payment of $390,000 before taxes and will be receiving $25,000 annually for life. The store where he purchased the ticket wasn’t left out as it received a $5,000 bonus. This is another story of a person whose life was transformed by lottery.

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3. Cynthia Strafford won $112,000,000 in 2007

Cynthia Strafford was taking care of five children left behind by her late brother. She also catered for her father which made her financial situation worse. She knew she needed help and turned to lotteries to see if the help could come. Starting from 2004, she would purchase tickets every month. She chose numbers through strange means such as praying on them, meditating, putting the number under her pillow while she slept, and so on.

In 2007, she got lucky and hit the jackpot of $112,000,000 which she had always targeted. This helped changed her family’s story for the better. Cynthia now owns a film company where she’s fulfilling her dreams. She states that prayers and the law of attraction were helpful in getting her the prize.

There are many other life-changing stories out there aside from these three stories. They are inspirational and show people who didn’t give up but rather chased their goal and got it at the end. If you want to be one of the newest lotto millionaires – click here to read about GG World Lotto games. Play the lotto online at 25lotto.com and hit the largest jackpot in Africa.

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