
Top 5 Largest Lottery Winnings in the History of Lotto

Let us think about something almost everybody desires, a dream most people want to come true. If your answer was “winning the lottery”, “being a millionaire”, you are part of that high percentage of people who think the exact same way as you. Of course, winning the lottery is actually one of the most dreamed things in the life of many people and we do not blame them, who would not want to become a millionaire in a split of seconds by doing almost nothing at all? We assure you that is the same thing lottery winners thought when they first started buying tickets.

The lottery is probably the most played game in the world and it has been for decades, so you can imagine the number of stories and events that have occurred all because of a lottery; without mentioning the number of records concerning lottery winners and lottery prizes. There have been lottery winners throughout history with unbelievable stories who have won the biggest jackpots in the world of lotteries. Here below we will list some of the biggest prizes in lotto history that all lottery fans need to know. It's much more than you can win in Baba Ijebu Pay Me My Dough lottery!


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1. The Biggest Jackpot in History (Powerball; $1.586 Billion)

The title of owning the biggest jackpot in history belongs to three couples in the US; one from Tennessee, the other from California, and the other from Florida. The jackpot from Powerball had a total amount of $1.586 billion, being this one the largest winner prize in the history of lotteries. Each couple took home a lump sum of $327.7 before taxes. Two of the couples claim their prize in public, however, the other couple prefers to wait six months before claiming the prize. Either way, all of the couples became part of the lotteries’ history.

2. One of The Biggest Lottery Prizes in the US (Mega Millions; $1.537 Billion)

This happened in 2018; a woman from South Carolina, who stayed anonymous, won a total of $1.537 playing in Mega Millions. She claimed her prize nearly a month before the deadline was about to reach. It is said that the woman preferred to claim the prize in one single payment in cash which corresponded to a total amount of $878 million. This prize has the title of the largest lottery prize ever paid to a single winner in the US.

3. The Biggest Lotto Prize for a Single Winner in Spain (EuroMillions; €190 million)

In 2017, an anonymous person won the amount of €190 million, being the biggest lottery prize received by one single winner in Spain. It is interesting to mention that this person bought the winning ticket on the Gran Canaria Island, which is one of the most visited tourist centers in the world, so nobody really knows if this person was a native from the island or a tourist visiting the island. If it was, what luck did this person have, right?

4. Biggest Jackpot in Ireland (EuroMillions; €115 million)

In 2005, Dolores McNamara claimed the biggest lottery prize in the history of Ireland with a total amount of €115 million. The woman who worked as a servicewoman, felt motivated to buy a lottery ticket. At the moment she knew she had won that large jackpot, she wanted to stay anonymous since the whole of Europe wanted to know who the winner of this huge prize was. She then decided to claim her winning prize in public, something that made her a big celebrity at the moment. The prize was enough to help her quit her job as a servicewoman and buy a mansion at the shores of Ireland.


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5. Jackpot that Reached the Limit (EuroMillions; €190 million)

This prize was claimed by a couple; in 2012 Adrian and Gillian Bayford who lived in the UK won a total amount of €190 million. This case had the record of the biggest winnable jackpot in the UK at the time, which at the same time made them the biggest winners in the UK. They then decided to keep a low-profile life as far as they could.

Many lotteries in the world offer an amazing amount of money as prizes and it is wonderful to see how people encourage themselves to try out different lotteries throughout the world. Here at 25lotto.com, we offer the biggest lottery prizes in Nigeria. Here you are able to participate anywhere you are at any time you prefer since 25 Lotto Nigeria is the first national online lottery.

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